How to choose your wine ?

How to choose your wine when you don’t know much about it? How to choose your wine for an event? Wine is a drink for all occasions. But you will not have the same expectations according to the moment, the season, the place, the atmosphere… Anyway, choosing your wine is not always easy. And even if, for Aveine, wine is above all a question of taste, there are full proof methods to choose a wine that you will enjoy to its full potential. In our articles, we will explore the choice of wine according to the moment of course. But also, according to the film you are watching or the music you are listening to!

Galette des rois and wine pairings, in France and abroad…

Today, to travel, we invite you on a world tour of the galette des rois and we tell you with which wine(s) to taste it!

Christmas food and wine pairings around the world

Christmas is coming and we may not be able to travel this year... We invite you to take a five-step tour of the world of Christmas food and wine pairings!

Which wines to drink for Thanksgiving ?

In this article, we tried to answer a major question for the Americans who are celebrating Thanksgiving: which wines should be served with turkey?

Which wines to drink with sushi?

Sushi consumption has increased considerably in the last twenty years, especially in Western countries, mainly in the USA and the UK. In...

Wines for a party: how to choose?

Which wines to choose for a party? You want to organize a nice moment with your friends, acquaintances, or relatives and you...

Rosé wine: how to choose it well and drink it well!

What better way to enjoy the summer season than with a good glass of rosé wine? Rosé wine is a faithful friend...

Questions to Karen MacNeil, the author of “The Wine Bible”

Aveine had the honor to interview Karen MacNeil, journalist, wine expert and author of the best seller "The Wine Bible".

Wine and basketball at the worldcup

Basketball world cup is always an event, espacialy since the 1992 Dream Team. But basketball is worldwide now so, who from Serbia,...

Light wines to enjoy your summer evenings

With the arrival of summer, we want to enjoy the outdoor evenings again. In this article, we propose a focus on light...

Independence Day: what wine should you drink to celebrate?

Beer is the most popular drink served in summer to celebrate a national holiday. But if you are a wine lover, you...
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