Which wine gift for Christmas?

It’s already December and you’re wondering what Christmas gift you could give to your wine-loving friend! As he/she already has an AVEINE aerator, we selected a few ideas for you.

The Basic Christmas Gift: Wine!

First of all, wine!  What could be more logical for a winelover than to receive wine as a gift at Christmas? It’s logical but not very original so if you want to stand out from the crowd, it’s a good time to experience new wines. You can ask wine sellers to recommend bottles from other famous wine countries or more exotic ones. Otherwise, you can buy wine online. But be aware of the shipping time if you don’t want you present to arrive after Christmas!

To store wines, you always need a good cellar.

Wine cellar as a gift for Christmas

For a bigger Christmas gift, we recommend a wine cellar. The conditions of preservation are of great importance when it comes to wine. Otherwise you have to drink everything! And some wines deserve that we wait a little before drinking them!

To drink wines, you always need the good glasses.

Wine glasses as a gift for Christmas

Your wine aficionado friend knows that wine needs to be appreciated in the right conditions. And glasses are one of the most important elements for a successful wine tasting. Plus, in between tastings, you can store them in a way that highlights them as decorative items.

For smaller budgets : books

More simple and always effective, buy a book. For literature lovers we recommend to read Omar Khayyam, the poet of wine. We also recommend The wine Bible written by Karen MacNeil that we had the chance to interview a few months ago.

Of course, you have an Aveine connected aerator, but you can always buy a second one or offer one as a gift. Moreover now you have the choice between the original AVEINE and the AVEINE Essentiel.

Happy Holidays!


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