Wine packaging: BIB, can, tube, VR, the new trends

Wine ignores conventions these days! If there are new ways of buying, storing and consuming wine, there is also new packaging!

Bag in Box (BIB)

This is a packaging that you’ve probably seen already: a cardboard packaging of various capacities (from 2 to 10 liters). A pouring spout is connected to an inside pocket that holds the wine. Originally, this packaging, inherited from NASA, was used for industrial liquids. Quickly hijacked in Australia and in some Scandinavian countries, the “cubi” 2.0 was born!

Wine in a Can

Can: a new packaging for wine
© Barbichette

The can is no longer only for sodas or fruit juices! This format is ideal for consumption alone or outdoors, especially for picnics. This format leads to news ways of consuming. Indeed, wine consumption can now be nomadic. This new packaging reaches a new, younger, and less traditional audience. An interesting way to discover wine. And bonus: the can is recyclable.

Wine in Tubes

tubes: a new packaging for wine

Created about ten years ago, this glass tube would look almost like a bottle of perfume. It makes it possible to preserve great wines or spirits in the best possible conditions. The idea behind it was to surf the trend of wine by the glass and make it easier for producers to taste and sample.

VR bottles

RV on wine bottle

A fun concept inspired by the series “The Walking Dead”! Indeed, an application in augmented reality makes it possible to give life to the undead on the label. A surprising concept that has no other purpose than to entertain!

The new packaging therefore tries to help wine enter the modern world, by adapting the container to current consumption trends. And if you can’t imagine drinking wine that doesn’t come out of a bottle, don’t forget your Aveine Smart Wine Aerator!

French version available here.


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