An encounter with Greek wine Xinomavro!

When it comes to Greek wines, the southern regions like Santorini and Peloponnese often steal the limelight. However, tucked away in the northern part of the country lies a treasure of exceptional wines waiting to be discovered. The North of Greece, with its unique climate, diverse terroir, and indigenous grape varieties, is a true haven for wine enthusiasts. 

Exploring the Hidden Gems: Naoussa region

Imagine a picturesque landscape of rolling hills, kissed by the Greek sun and cradled by iron-rich soils. This is Naoussa, a gem nestled in the heart of Northern Greece. Here, time seems to slow down and nature weaves its magic into every vine. As a passionate wine traveler, my recent trip there was nothing short of enchanting, offering me a profound connection with my country’s emerging indigenous grape variety, Xinomavro.

A Love Story with Terroir

Naoussa’s terroir is more than just a scientific concept; it’s a living story experienced into every sip of Greek wine. The hills, adorned with rows of vines, seem to whisper tales of the iron soils and limestone beds that nurture the vines. The dance between warm daytime sun and cool night breezes creates an orchestration of flavors that’s uniquely in Naoussa.

Wine Gini - Greek wine tasting: Xinomavro with the Aveine Aerator
©Wine Gini – Greek wine tasting: Xinomavro with the Aveine Aerator

Xinomavro: Unveiling Layers of Complexity

You can’t help but fall in love with Xinomavro. Often referred to as the “Nebbiolo of Greece,” this grape variety captured my senses with its captivating tannins and vibrant acidity. As I swirled the wine in my glass, I was greeted by a bouquet that felt like a secret garden. It revealed notes of red fruits, dried herbs and an earthy embrace that spoke of the land where it was born.

Embracing Xinomavro’s Soul

Savoring Xinomavro was like diving into a rich narrative that unfolded with every sip. The wine’s essence, crafted by the Naoussa terroir, transports you to its sun-soaked slopes. The mineral undertones lent an almost tangible connection to the earth, while the refreshing acidity promised aging potential and evolution over time. From youthful bursts of red fruit to complex layers of sun-dried tomatoes, olives, and a dash of intrigue with hints of cinnamon and tobacco, each moment with Xinomavro was an exploration of its very soul.

A New Perspective with Aveine Aerator

My journey took a captivating turn when I introduced the Aveine aerator to the mix while trying various vintages. This ingenious tool became a bridge between me and the wine, allowing me to appreciate its essence in a new light. The Aveine aerator delicately smoothed out the tannins with harmony and unveiled a symphony of aromas that danced in the glass. The red fruit notes took center stage, while the earthy and herbal undertones stepped into the spotlight, creating an orchestra of senses.

Memories to last forever

My encounter with Naoussa’s Xinomavro wines left an indelible mark on my Greek wine journey. It was more than just a tasting. It was an immersive experience that allowed me to connect with the land, the people, and the stories behind every bottle. With every sip, I felt like I was unlocking a treasure of flavors that had been waiting to be unveiled. Whether you’re a fellow enthusiast or a curious explorer, Naoussa’s Xinomavro wines offer a personal invitation to immerse yourself in the magic that Northern Greece has to offer!



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