The taste experience appeals to our 5 senses. Taste is associated with smell and sight. In the wine world, flavor is a determining factor, it gives us a first glimpse of the quality of the wine. This article will therefore aim to explain in the primary flavors of the wine and their aromatic properties.
Taste and aroma
The taste and smell of the wine vary depending on the type of production, the pressing of the grapes, and the fermentation process but also the way wine was preserved and the way it was served, if it had been aerated the right amont of time, if it is at the right temperature. All these elements should be taken into account when we talk about the properties of wine. However, it is important to refocus on volatile compounds when it comes to aroma and flavor. These compounds generate taste sensations and can have direct or indirect olfactory effects through the nostrils or throat [1].

Wine aroma
As for volatile compounds, they are responsible for the aroma of the wine, and develop during the process of processing the grapes into wine. The wine aromas obtained using this process can be classified into 3 categories. First, the primary aromas from the grapes are distinguished by their fruity or floral character, a sign of a relatively young wine. The secondary aromas are called “vinous.” They are the result of fermentation. Finally, tertiary aromas result from the aging of the wine in tanks, barrels and/or bottles [2].

Exploring the taste of wine
Taste is one of the most important senses we have. When testing a wine, all the properties of the wine can be detected. Many flavors and sensations are felt during tasting. What do people usually feel when tasting a wine? One of the first sensations you may feel is the acidity. The acidity of the wine is detected by the sides of the tongue and cheeks. The grapes contain acids that are important for the flavor of the wine. During wine production more new acids will develop. One of the acids that can be easy to identify is acetic acid, giving the wine a vinegary taste [1]. Other compounds, such as tannins, also affect the taste of wine. Tannin gives dry, astringent sensations on teeth, gums and even the hard palate [2].

And do not forget, at Aveine, we think that you taste what you want and that your opinion is very important. Saying “this is a good wine” is different than saying “I like this wine“. We all have our taste and it’s important to listen to what we think.
[1] Ronald S. Jackson. Wine Tasting: A Professional Handbook. 2009. Food Science and Technology International Series. Second Edition.
[2] Grainger K. et Tattersall H. Introduction to Part 2 – Wine Quality, Wine tasting. 2016. Wiley Blackwell. Second Edition.