What’s a wine aerator for? Which one to choose? These devices are very present on the market. And it is sometimes difficult for the consumer to find the one that will be the most adapted to his way of consuming wine. Indeed, aerating wine is a step that consumers tend to skip. However, it can reveal all the wine’s aromas and uncover all the flavors it contains. At Aveine, we have created a connected wine aerator that provides precise and instantaneous aeration of all wines. How does it work? It’s very simple: you open the bottle of wine, place the aerator on the neck, and take out your smartphone! Thanks to the application, a simple scan of the label of your bottle will tell you the recommended aeration time depending on the wine. Then, all you have to do is serve and enjoy your wine. You can also set the Aveine connected aerator from the integrated touch screen. To find out everything you need to know about wine aerators, check out our articles.