6 preconceived ideas and rules about wine that you can break

If you think that wine is a snobbish, expensive, and difficult to understand environment, there is still time to change your mind! The world of wine is now more exciting than ever, so let’s break with tradition! Today we’re sharing 6 obsolete rules about wine that you’re officially allowed to break!

Riesling is only for dessert

While there are many super sweet Rieslings that you can drink with your tiramisu, this white grape variety is actually one of the best dry wines to serve with more complex dishes, like spicy Asian food for example. As a matter of fact, most Alsace wines are actually dry Rieslings.

Rules about white wine

Drink white wine with fish, and red wine with meat

While there are some classic pairings that work wonderfully (Oyster and Muscadet, or a beef tenderloin with a Cabernet), this is one of the rules about wine that is becoming a bit outdated. If you’re eating a light fish like sole, stick to whites, while fattier fish like salmon or tuna go very well with a low-tannin red, like Pinot Noir. For meats, we strongly encourage you to pair chicken or veal with a rich, fragrant white, like Semillon!

Serve very cold white wine

And here’s a fact: white wine should not be served straight from the refrigerator. This is the best way to kill its aromas. Take it out at least one hour before tasting to wake it up a bit!

Drink only with wines from well-known regions

You only drink Sancerre? We have good news: it means that you like Sauvignon Blanc, and that you can find it in Austria, Chile, or in Dordogne. So get off the beaten path!

The best wines are from Western Europe

Of course, the most famous wines are from Western Europe, like Bordeaux or Champagne. But don’t overlook American, Eastern European or Southern Hemisphere wines! These regions are home to some of the most interesting wines in the world. We strongly advise you to try wines from Georgia, New Zealand, or South Africa. You’ll probably find excellent bottles at a good price!

The best wines are the most expensive

Like most things in life, price does not always equal quality. It indicates a value that some people are willing to put on a certain product. So, if this beautiful bottle at 200 euros will probably not disappoint you, nothing says that you will not find an equally pleasant one at a much more interesting price.

Bonus: aerate the wine

One last rule about wine that is best observed: whatever the wine, remember to aerate it. Indeed, it will reveal all its flavors. If this step seems complicated, you can use the Aveine connected aerator and its application. Then you’ll be sure to taste your wine in optimal conditions!


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